Friday, October 30, 2015

My new additions to the flock. Bought them at the 4-H sale in September. Started laying the day I got them and have not let up since. I got Blu the rooster from a friend. The girls love him to death. One of them stays by his side constantly. The new ones are Buff Orpingtons.

Monday, February 2, 2015

WHAT THE........

You know if we can put men on the moon, why can't we put decent internet in every county?
Getting good internet service is nearly impossible if you live outside the city limits, in the "country".
There are plenty of companies out there that will lie to you and assure you that you will get great reception and no down time.   LIARS!!!

It is hard to keep a blog, Facebook account or anything else up to date. I really don't know why I keep trying. It just keeps me angry.

I will try and post here more often. I will just have to go to town and use the Library internet access.
Sorry to rant but I have had it up to my......

More intelligent information to come.